The Countdown

Break Through Pain, Awaken Your Healing Power
Unlock emotional and physical healing breakthroughs through ancient energy practices and true self-connection.

Join the Love Heals Experience, a 3-hour personal transformation workshop. Awaken your healing power, regain your health, and achieve emotional resilience through body tapping, breathwork, vibrational exercises, and energy meditation, all within a protected and supportive environment.

Join an Upcoming Love Heals Experience Event

Join our Upcoming Love Heals Experience Event

In This 3-Hour Workshop, You Will...

Release Physical and Emotional Pain
Find relief by transforming your relationship with pain and emotion.
Balance Your Body’s Energy
Learn essential tools for balancing and directing your life force for healing and vitality.
Embrace Your True Self
Connect to your heart to cultivate genuine self love and acceptance.
Reignite Your Hope and Confidence
Feel your heart fill with confidence and possibility, even if nothing you’ve tried in the past has worked.

Love hEals Experience

How will I feel after this experience?

Spaciousness and lightness in your mind and body
Sense of relief as you release old patterns and traumas
More grounded and centered, even amid emotional release
Deeper connection to yourself & others
Able to cultivate a positive and optimistic outlook on life
Confidence & strong sense of purpose & direction in life

Love hEals Experience

How will I feel after this experience?

Spaciousness and lightness in your mind and body
Sense of relief as you release old patterns and traumas
More grounded and centered, even amid emotional release
Deeper connection to yourself & others
Able to cultivate a positive and optimistic outlook on life
Confidence & strong sense of purpose & direction in life

Pain is not me, but mine

Thank you pain, for showing me where I need to focus

Meet your guide, Ilchibuko

As the main trainer of the Love Heals Retreat featured in the LOVE HEALS documentary film, CEO of Body & Brain Yoga and Tai Chi, and co-author of the Love Heals Practice Guide, Ilchibuko Todd has dedicated her life to sharing powerful healing practices with others. For more than 20 years, she has had the privilege of helping thousands reconnect with their inner light through energy movement and meditation. Her greatest joy comes from witnessing personal breakthroughs—seeing people rediscover their vitality, freedom, self-trust, and inner peace.
20+ Years of Experience in Ancient Energy Healing
CEO of Body & Brain Yoga & Tai Chi
Main Trainer in Award-Winning Film LOVE HEALS
Co-Author of Love Heals Practice Guide

From a Documentary Film to
The Love Heals Experience

The Love Heals Experience workshop grew from the award-winning documentary film, LOVE HEALS, which showcased Dana and 18 individuals achieving significant physical and emotional healing breakthroughs.

The Love Heals journey continued beyond the film, inspiring retreats, online courses, and a book, helping thousands realize their natural healing power and the importance of self-acceptance. 

Now, we're bringing the Love Heals Experience to your town. Come and experience firsthand the powerful tools for self-healing and personal growth.

Watch Trailer
Emotional Release
Energy Healing
Sound Healing
Body Tapping
Dynamic Practices
Emotional Release
Energy Healing
Sound Healing

What people are saying about the Love Heals Journey

I wanted a deeper connection with myself, with my soul, the Universe... I go through life a little numb [and] I want a better relationship with myself. I have tools now to help me continue the practice, to connect with myself, so I can keep trying to hear the voice of my soul.

Shannon Pawlak

I had a lot of self-doubt in myself. I carried a lot on my shoulders and I felt I had to shove that in... [As men,] we're taught to be tough, but [I learned] it's okay to feel... I realized I was never able to tell myself I love myself, and now I can tell myself I love my body & I love myself.

Stan Whiddon

My father passed about a year and a half ago, [and] when he died, a part of me died. Having that kind of trauma, changed who I was. [This program] is amazing. I was really able to get down to my soul and release everything I have been carrying. It’s the best thing I could have done.  

Laurie Rodriguez

Experience Your Own Breakthrough

“I aim to help you experience true healing, just like the individuals in the film and the millions of others who have transformed their lives using these energy principles and tools.”

— Ilchibuko Todd, from the Love Heals Practice Guide

A 3-Hour Transformative Journey to Your True Self

In the Love Heals Experience, you'll experience the 5 steps that form the foundation of the LOVE HEALS, in order to break through pain and connect with your true nature.

Learn Ancient Energy Principles

Discover the 10,000-year-old wisdom of "Water Up, Fire Down"—the essential energy principle for optimal well-being in body, mind, and spirit.

Experience Dynamic Energy Practice

Peel away layers of conditioning through body tapping, chakra vibration and other dynamic meditation methods in order to meet your stagnant layers with compassion, and tap into your true essence.

Receive Sound Healing for Deeper Connection

Through movement and sound, break through the layers of pain inside, and connect more deeply to your true nature.

Self-Love Energy Meditation

Experience the true love you have for yourself and others and the truth that you already possess everything you need for healing and growth.

Envision a Brighter Future

From a place of self-love and confidence, imagine a future in which the brightest, most expansive version of yourself has become reality

Who is this good for?

This Experience is for you if you are:

Seeking relief from persistent physical pain
Wanting to release suppressed emotions
Frustrated with ineffective treatments
Feeling hopeless and trapped by unresolved trauma
Feeling stuck in life and searching for a way out
Wanting to practice self-love and self-acceptance

Join an Upcoming Love Heals Experience Event

Join our Upcoming Love Heals Experience Event

Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about the Love Heals Experience, but still have some questions?
How do I know if this practice will be effective for me?

Every individual's experience with energy work is unique, but many participants have found it profoundly beneficial. Over 40 years, the practices you'll engage in have transformed the lives of millions, offering relief from physical and emotional pain, releasing old traumas, and igniting new hope and passion. We encourage you to attend with an open mind and experience it firsthand. Ilchibuko will guide you throughout, helping you uncover the potential benefits for yourself.

I've never tried energy work before. Can beginners participate?

Absolutely. This event is designed for both beginners and those with experience. Ilchibuko will guide you step-by-step through each practice, ensuring you understand and can follow along. Just come with an open mind, and you'll find yourself able to participate fully and benefit from the experience.

Who can attend the event? Are there any health conditions that might prevent participation?

The event is open to individuals aged 16 or older. However, we advise that people who are pregnant, have severe mental illnesses, serious neurological conditions like strokes or seizures, or severe mobility issues do not attend. Your safety is our priority, and these conditions may require specialized care that we cannot provide in this setting. If you have any specific concerns, please consult with your healthcare provider before registering.

What is the recommended attire for the event?

We recommend wearing comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely. Think of attire similar to what you might wear for yoga or light exercise.

What do I need to bring to the event?

Please bring a water bottle to stay hydrated during the event. Besides that, just bring yourself and an open mind ready to explore new experiences.

Can I eat before coming, or do I need to come on an empty stomach?

It's best to eat a light meal about one hour before the event. You'll need energy to stay engaged throughout the 3-hour workshop, so we don't recommend skipping meals. However, avoid heavy meals that might make you feel sluggish.

I don't see my city listed. Will this experience be coming to a city near me?

We plan to expand our tour to more locations. If your city isn't listed, stay tuned. We will also offer a virtual option soon. Sign up for updates to be the first to know about new locations and virtual events.

I'm not ready to register yet, but can I sign up for updates?

Yes, absolutely. You can sign up for email updates on our site to stay informed about future events, new locations, and other offerings.

What is your refund policy?

If you need to cancel your registration, please do so at least 7 calendar days before the event to receive a refund. A cancellation fee of 10% of the ticket price will be deducted from your refund, with a maximum fee of $20.

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